Ассия Ахат

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Ассия Ахат

Ukrainian Assia Akhat masterfully owns the violin and performs her songs solo. She was born in Kiev in 1965.

After graduating from the National Academy of Music, she studied at the Academy of Music in Nice, France. As a soloist of the Ukrainian National Philharmonic and the first violin of the string quartet Capris Plus, she has performed in many famous European concert halls.

In 1999, she released her debut contemporary instrumental album, Homo Novus. Musician and performer Assia Akhat is pleasant to listen to for her melodic creations, she is a rather creative person and therefore loyal fans of her talent can always expect an unexpected miracle from her in the form of some virtuoso compositions.

In 2001, along with Andreas Follenweid, Mark Knopfler, Robert Plant, Sting and Depeche Mod, Assia Ahatt took part in the Music and Film Festival.

As part of this festival, Asia Ahatt also performed in a unique concert entitled "8 Violinists" along with John Blake, Pierre Blanchard, Mark O'Connor, Regina Carter, Kresimir Debski, Jean-Luc Ponty and Vadim Repin.

In 2002 Asia Akhatt released the album "For You, Anais", which features both instrumental and vocal tracks. The last album, Angels Do not Smoke, was released in 2010.

Assia Ahatt has released seven pop albums. Music performer Assia Akhat is filmed by famous music video makers and in this regard, the viewer receives a finished, professionally filmed product.